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Venus, FL 33960
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Warning: We provide no technical support beyond this web page. If you attempt this procedure we will not assist you in any way, either on the phone or by e-mail. Proceed at your own risk!


The first step is to remove the band. Start on the battery side with a small tool such as a screwdriver.

Work around the outside of the pager until the band is removed.

Crack the housing open as shown in the picture below. Do not open the back any further than is required to remove the buttons. Take the buttons out of the housing. Be careful because they are very small and will fall out.

Open the pager up like a clam shell to remove the back housing. Do not remove the circuit boards or the front housing. The back housing is "hinged" on the side opposite the battery.

Remove the circuit boards from the front housing. This can be done by gently flexing the side of the front housing. There is a small tab that holds the circuit boards in place.

When putting the band back on, start at the top as shown below. Use a small tool to push the edge of the rubber band under the edge of the plastic housing.

Slowly work your way around the housing, pushing the rubber under the edge of the plastic. There is no quick or easy way to do this, so take your time otherwise it will not fit correctly and you will need to start over.
After the band has been put on the pager should look like the picture below. The last step it to place a small drop of glue (superglue or rubber cement is preferred) on the rubber tab then insert the tab into the hole.

Warning: We provide no technical support beyond this web page. If you attempt this procedure we will not assist you in any way, either on the phone or by e-mail. Proceed at your own risk!